HomeDisability Insurance Lawyers Chicago

Disability Insurance Lawyers Chicago

Being physically and mentally able to work and earn a living is something that’s easily taken for granted. You naturally get caught up in the day-to-day of going to work, doing your job, and coming home, all to return again the following day. However, suppose you become injured and are unable to continue working due to a physical or mental impairment. In that case, you can easily be thrown into a panic. How will your everyday expenses get paid? If you have a disability insurance policy, now is the time to rely on it. To get started with a claim, it’s best to contact reputable disability insurance lawyers in Chicago.

When Should You Hire a Disability Insurance Attorneys Near Chicago?

Whether you are considering submitting a disability claim or if your claim has already been denied, it’s never too soon in the process to enlist an experienced disability insurance attorney near Chicago.  Most group disability benefit plans fall under the federal ERISA statute, which combines areas of contract, trust, and administrative law into a complex regulatory framework. 

The ERISA statute is notorious for some of the firmest deadlines in employment law. If you don’t adhere to those deadlines, it could result in the dismissal of future appeals or lawsuits. Keeping this in mind, as soon as you decide to submit a disability claim or as soon as your claim is denied, it’s wise to contact qualified disability insurance attorneys in Chicago to discuss your specific claim and options.

Common Reasons Why Disability Claims are Denied

Unfortunately, it doesn’t take much for most disability claims to be denied. It’s often related to the policy’s fine print or a mistake in filling out the paperwork.

Here are some of the most common reasons for disability claims:

  • Missed deadlines
  • Specific policy exclusions
  • Lack of medical evidence supporting a disability
  • Omissions, errors, or incomplete information provided with the claim
  • Pre-existing medical conditions
  • Employability in some occupation
  • Self-reported symptoms that a physician doesn’t medically document
  • Unauthorized or protocoled treatment 
  • Evidence obtained by private investigators that contradicts your claim

Whatever the reason, you have the right to appeal their decision. In fact, there are some rules that are favorable to claimants that help level the playing field. For example, under ERISA claims, insurers must:

  • Give claimants a reasoned explanation if they deny your claim
  • Disclose a specific reason—they may not simply list “did not meet our criteria.” 
  • Tell you why they disagree with your doctors or third parties who determine your disability status
  • Detail the internal rules and procedures they used to reach their decision
  • Provide you with relevant documentation if you request it

However, even with these consumer protections in place, it’s still recommended that you have disability insurance lawyers in Chicago on your side throughout the process.

Turn to the Highly Experienced Disability Insurance Lawyers in Chicago

No one anticipates needing to file a disability insurance claim. However, in the event that you do need to take this action, you expect your claim to be approved and your benefits paid. It should be a simple process. However, many insurance companies choose to complicate the issues in their quest to keep more money in their pockets. When you hire a Chicago disability attorney at Bartolic Law, we take your claim and appeal seriously and fight for your rights as if we were fighting for our own benefits.  Contact us today to learn more about our services and to schedule a confidential consultation.

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