HomeERISA Appeal Lawyer Chicago

ERISA Appeal Lawyer Chicago

Employer-provided long-term disability insurance can play an important role in providing for yourself and your family if you are unable to how. However, denials are common. You have the right to appeal the insurer’s decision, but complex federal laws govern the appeals process. At the Law Offices of Michael Bartolic, LLC., our ERISA appeal lawyer Chicago has extensive experience in these cases and provides trusted legal guidance to get the benefits you deserve. 

ERISA: How it Impacts Long-Term Disability Appeals in Chicago

The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) is a federal law that governs employer-provided health and wellness benefits. It provides strict guidelines for managing and administering these benefits and dictates the process of appealing denied claims. 

At the Law Offices of Michael Bartolic, LLC., we have extensive experience in this area of law and can advise you on how ERISA applies in your case. Ways in which it could impact your rights to long-term disability benefits in Chicago include: 

  • Protects the rights of insurers in dictating the terms of coverage and covered conditions;
  • Allows plan administrators to deny claims based on the opinion of their own doctors rather than your medical providers;
  • Limits the amount of time you have in filing a long-term disability appeal;
  • Limits additional information that can be presented in your case when filing an appeal;
  • Preempts state laws that allow you to request a jury trial to resolve disputes, requiring you to appear at a series of administrative hearings first prior to taking your claim to court. 

Not being aware of these and other impacts increases the risk of denied benefits. To protect yourself and your rights, get our ERISA appeal lawyer Chicago on your side. 

We Provide Trusted Guidance in Chicago ERISA Long-Term Disability Appeals

Many current workers will suffer a long-term disability prior to reaching retirement age. Long-term disability benefits provided by your employer protect your income in this situation.

To protect your rights in filing an ERISA long-term disability appeal, contact the Law Offices of Michael Bartolic, LLC. Actions our ERISA appeal lawyer Chicago can take on your behalf include:  

  • Thoroughly review the terms of your long-term disability coverage;
  • Review previously filed claims and correspondence received from the insurers;
  • Uncover additional evidence needed in filing an ERISA appeal;
  • Make sure your appeal is filed within ERISA deadlines;
  • Represent you in ERISA administrative hearings;
  • Under ERISA guidelines, file a lawsuit through federal court if your benefits continue to be disputed. 

Contact Our ERISA Appeals Lawyer Chicago Today

To navigate the complex federal laws governing employer-provided long-term disability, reach out to The Law Offices of Michael Bartolic, LLC. We provide the trusted legal guidance you need to get the benefits you deserve. Contact our ERISA appeals lawyer in Chicago and request a consultation today. 

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