HomeGlenview Long-Term Disability Attorney

Glenview Long-Term Disability Attorney

At Bartolic Law, our Glenview long-term disability attorney is a dedicated, results-focused advocate for disabled individuals and their families. With deep knowledge of both ERISA and Illinois state law, our firm understands the ins and outs of the system. If you need legal guidance with a long-term disability claim or long-term disability appeal, we are here as a resource. Contact us today for your no-cost, no-obligation case review with a top long-term disability lawyer. 

Most Long Term Disability Policies are Regulated By ERISA

For long-term disability claims, it is crucial to understand that the vast majority of long-term disability policies offered in the United States—including in Glenview, IL—fall under the regulatory umbrella of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). ERISA is a federal law that safeguards employees’ benefits rights, ensuring that the promises made by employers regarding pension and benefit plans are kept. Employer-sponsored disability plans fall under ERISA. A long-term disability policy purchased on the private individual market—a relatively small percentage overall—falls under Illinois state law. 

We Handle All Aspects of Long Term Disability Claims in Glenview

When it comes to long-term disability claims, our team offers comprehensive services. Our expertise spans filing claims, navigating appeals, and, if necessary, litigating in court. We take a hands-on approach from the onset of your claim, assisting with the initial filing to help avoid the common pitfalls that can lead to denials. In the unfortunate event of a denial, our Glenview long-term disability lawyer will meticulously review your case and take action to gather/prepare all of the relevant evidence needed to bring a  strong appeal. 

Why Trust Glenview, IL Long Term Disability Lawyer Michael Bartolic

Choosing the right disability lawyer is paramount to the success of your claim. Michael Bartolic is a trusted advocate in the realm of ERISA and long-term disability claims. With deep experience and a stellar track record, he is recognized for his dedication to his clients and his meticulous attention to detail. Attorney Bartolic not only understands the nuances of ERISA, but he also uses his insight to provide clients with comprehensive guidance and robust representation. His tireless advocacy and commitment to his clients’ rights set him apart. You deserve personalized legal representation from your Glenview long-term disability lawyer. 

Contact Our Glenview Long-Term Disability Attorney Today

At Bartolic Law, our Glenview long-term disability lawyer is committed to personalized, solutions-forward legal representation. Do not take on the claims process alone. Contact us now for a free, fully private initial consultation. We take on long-term disability claims and long-term disability appeals in Glenview, Cook County, and throughout all of Northern Illinois.

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We Turn Denials Into Payments

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