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Highland Park Long Term Disability Attorneys

Highland Park Long Term Disability Lawyers Here To Assist You With Your Claims

Many people are covered under long term disability insurance through their private employer, or through a private insurance plan. This type of insurance provides income to workers who, due to long periods of disability, are unable to work and earn an income. While this type of insurance is meant to protect disabled claimants, too often, claims for benefits are denied by insurance adjusters, leaving claimants unsure of where to turn or what happens next. It is important to know that if your Highland Park long term disability claim is denied, and you are covered under your employer’s group insurance plan, your right to file an appeal is protected under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). Our experienced Highland Park long term disability lawyers at Bartolic Law are ready to assist you in the process of getting the benefits you deserve.

We Represent Claimants Suffering from a Wide Range of Disability Types

Our Highland Park LTD lawyers represent clients who are suffering from a number of long term, disabling conditions. Some of the most common conditions that can cause long term disability and necessitate the need for benefits include:

  • Chronic pain;
  • Lupus;
  • Cancer;
  • Neurological disorders;
  • Anxiety;
  • Depression;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Hearing loss;
  • Vision loss;
  • Lung disease; and
  • More.

If you have a condition that is not listed above, please do not be hesitant to contact us; we represent all persons with disabilities.

The Benefits of Working with a Long Term Disability Lawyer

Working with a Highland Park long term disability lawyer is beneficial, and can significantly improve your chances of having your claim for benefits approved. This is true even when your case is seemingly cut and dry; even in the most obvious of disability claims, there is still a high chance that your claim will be denied if you attempt to file for benefits without legal counsel. This is because the job of an insurance adjuster is to find any reason to deny your claim. This reason could be a filing error, your failure to file your claim within the required time frame, changes to the standard of disability under the plan, failure to provide substantial evidence, and other minor errors. When you work with our team of experienced lawyers, we ensure that your claim is filed without mistakes and on time.

In addition to representing you during the initial claims process, we will also represent you in the event that your claim is denied. Under ERISA, you have the right to file an appeal. We have appealed countless disability benefit decisions, and have litigated in court as well.

Contact Us Today to Learn More

When the future of your long term disability benefits is on the line, do not wait to take action. Instead, contact our talented Highland Park long term disability benefits attorneys at the offices of Bartolic Law. Reach us now at 312-635-1600.

Our Areas Of Practice

We Turn Denials Into Payments

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