HomeLong Term Disability Benefits for Lawyers in Chicago

Long Term Disability Benefits for Lawyers in Chicago

You spent years going to school to be an attorney. Whether you’ve practiced only a few years or a few decades, suffering a disability that could take away your opportunity to practice your passion and your livelihood is no less than devastating. Maybe you were recently diagnosed with a chronic illness or condition, or perhaps you suffered a debilitating injury. Either way, if you have ERISA disability insurance, you have the right to file a claim and draw benefits. If you need to rely on long-term disability benefits for lawyers in Chicago, contact the professionals at Bartolic Law. We can help you with your claim from beginning to end. 

Disabilities Can End Your Legal Profession

Lawyers work long hours in many different settings. They see people at the worse points in their lives, and sometimes the best. This job is emotionally draining, physically tiring, and cognitively exhausting. Receiving a significant and long-term diagnosis can keep you from being able to perform some or all of your job duties. If you can’t think clearly or get to the places you need to go, you won’t be effective at your job, which is why disability insurance exists. Except, as you likely know, getting a claim approved can be an uphill battle.

How a Long-Term Disability Denial Attorney Can Help

As an attorney, you are broadly familiar with many areas of law. However, unless you’ve practice disability law, you may not be quite fully aware of how a Chicago long-term disability lawyer can help your claim or what is necessary to be successful. Consider the things an attorney who specializes in disability claims can do for you:

  • Help you correctly complete insurance company forms
  • Evaluate your insurance claim 
  • Advise you on long term disability laws and your legal options
  • Review your medical records and provide suggestions for any additional testing required to prove your long-term disability
  • Supplement your disability claim file with additional medical records
  • Obtain medical reports and opinion evidence concerning your disability
  • Confer with qualified vocational experts to get opinion evidence refuting an insurance company’s denial
  • Obtain and develop evidence regarding your “Residual Functional Capacity”— the key to your disability claim approval
  • If necessary, quickly and effectively file your administrative disability appeal 
  • Correctly calculate your long-term disability benefits
  • File a legal brief arguing the medical, vocational, and legal matters in your case
  • File a lawsuit in Federal Court if one becomes necessary
  • Conduct discovery in the Federal Court case, including filing interrogatories and requests for production when needed and taking all necessary depositions
  • Respond to Motions for Summary Judgment
  • Trying your lawsuit

Do You Have Questions about Long-Term Disability Benefits for Lawyers in Chicago?

If you have questions or concerns about filing a long-term disability claim after an illness or injury, Bartolic Law has answers. We know first-hand how critical long-term disability benefits for lawyers in Chicago are after an unexpected diagnosis or accident. When you hire us, our Chicago long-term disability attorneys will be by your side, no matter what hurdles you encounter in your claim. We will handle your employee, their insurance companies, and their attorneys on your behalf. Contact us today to learn more about your long-term disability claim rights and how to get the compensation your insurance policies entitles you to receive.

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