HomeLong Term Disability Benefits for Pharmacists in Chicago

Long Term Disability Benefits for Pharmacists in Chicago

One of the most significant and reliable financial assets you have as a pharmacist is simply the ability to generate an income. It likely took you six or eight years to be licensed, possibly even more if you went through a residency or fellowship. You got here through the energy, focus, sacrifices you made. With projected lifetime earnings in the millions, what if you suddenly lost your earning ability with little to no warning? Never mind your emotional disappointment and involuntarily dampened passion; what about your ability to support your family? 

These are the situations that long-term ERISA insurance was created for. If you were recently injured or diagnosed with a permanent condition, you should be able to rely on this insurance. However, more often than not, those who genuinely need it find they can’t depend on it. If you need long-term disability benefits for pharmacists in Chicago, don’t delay meeting with an experienced Chicago long-term disability lawyer.

Do Pharmacists Need Disability Coverage?

Pharmacists are often on their feet for many hours a day, consulting with patients, preparing medications, and attending to other needs. In addition, they must have sharp cognitive abilities. In some circumstances, if they give the wrong advice, it could cost someone their life. Suppose a pharmacist sustains an injury or comes down with an illness that prevents them from physically or cognitively performing their job effectively. In that case, it’s necessary to take time off. Sometimes, whatever they are going through is chronic or permanent, leaving them with no choice but to file for long-term disability benefits for pharmacists in Chicago.

Causes of Long-Term Disability Claims

Being in the medical profession, many pharmacists aren’t even aware that their condition may qualify for long-term disability payments. If you’ve been injured and are finding it particularly difficult to do your job and may find it that way far into the future, it’s time to talk to a knowledgeable Chicago long-term disability attorney who can help. In general, if an illness, condition, or disease keeps you from being able to do your job or another job with ease and effectiveness, you might be eligible to receive long-term disability benefits for pharmacists in Chicago.

There are many different health conditions and accidents that can give rise to a long-term disability claim. Common causes of long-term disability claims include:

  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular issues such as congestive heart failure (CHF)
  • Mental disorders
  • Large or severely broken bones such as the pelvis or femur
  • Recreational accidents
  • Slip and falls

Do You Have Questions about Long Term Disability Benefits for Pharmacists in Chicago?

Unfortunately, disability insurance companies know how difficult it is for most laypeople to understand how to properly apply for and appeal a disability insurance claim. As such, it’s common for them to try to take advantage of you by denying your claim. However, when you have an experienced Chicago long-term disability attorney on your side from Bartolic Law, you have the upper hand. We are well-versed in the tactics insurance companies use to try not to pay your long-term disability claim. 

Contact our office today to schedule your no-obligation consultation. We will tell you what the insurance company doesn’t want you to know and help you press forward with your claim, no matter where you are now.

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