
Success With Disability Claims for Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s Disease


Bartolic Law handles Long Term Disability cases at all stages, from filing a claim to lawsuits under ERISA § 502(a). We are who the most discerning clients hire when an insurer denies their claim, and the one they wish they had when another firm loses their appeal and abandons the case. We are Innovative, Authentic, Compassionate, Transparent and Chicago strong. Bartolic Law is nationally renowned for our Innovative work:

The hallmark symptom of Meniere’s Disease is severe dizziness or vertigo, which can immobilize the affected individual.
A person with Meniere’s Disease often experiences hearing loss and is at a high risk of falls, which can lead to injury.
Since this condition can make work difficult or even impossible, it may be possible to receive disability coverage alongside an attorney.

Success With Meniere’s Disease Disability Claims

Bartolic Law has helped many clients suffering from Meniere’s Disease and related vertiginous disorders get long-term disability benefits paid. Chicagoans are fortunate enough to have access to some of the best treating physicians for vertiginous disorders in the country.

In one client’s vertiginous disorder case, an insurer denied the claim for lacking any objective evidence of symptoms and limitations. It characterized all the symptoms and limitations as self-reported and self-limiting. We referred the client to a world-class otoneurologist focusing on vertiginous disorders. The otoneurologist performed various tests showing objective signs of the symptoms, including a computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) and a vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP) test. We were then able to combine this objective evidence with live video footage of the client trying to perform certain tasks, and it showing the dizziness. Combining medical evidence with real life footage, we were able to get the client’s claim paid.

The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) estimates that 615,000 Americans suffer from Meniere’s disease. This hearing condition affects people of all ages, although it appears at many people’s peak ages—40 to 60 years. Mostly, it affects one ear. Its actual cause is still unknown, although most of its symptoms stem from the inner ear’s abnormal fluid flow. Still, medical experts don’t know what causes this abnormal excretion but generally point to contributing factors like incorrect fluid drainage because of clogging, abnormal immune responses, viral infections and hereditary factors. Affected people display varying symptoms, and some signs can appear abruptly, although their duration and frequency still vary.

Sudden symptom eruption can last between 20 minutes and 24 hours. Vertigo is its leading symptom and involves sweating, nausea, vomiting, abnormal heartbeats, dizziness, and rotational sensations. This disease often impairs a person’s balance and increases their risks of falling or accidents. Due to vertigo, someone may lose their ability to perform their job functions effectively. For example, they can’t drive, operate machines, or climb ladders. Thus, patients whose jobs require any such activities might not be able to work. In addition, the disease could cause further complications like deafness. In this situation, one’s life may be permanently disrupted, causing them disability that might affect their ability to work.


If you’re struggling to get the benefits you need to get by, then we’ll fight to obtain the benefits you deserve. Contact us today to learn more!

Call a Chicago Disability Insurance Attorney Today

Meniere’s Disease manifests similarly to other vertiginous disorders and can cause you to feel dizzy. This makes any kind of work requiring you to be on your feet, or work requiring looking at a screen, especially difficult. Many people suffering from vertiginous disorders make accommodations for themselves they often do not aware can help a long-term disability claim. Clients have installed stabilizing devices in their homes, modified how they get in and out of cars, and changed how they stand from being seated or lying down. This evidence all helps your claim.

Meniere’s disease can cause disabilities that can render people unemployable. However, disability benefits might be available, and you can consult with Bartolic Law, to evaluate your situation to see if it qualifies for disability insurance benefits. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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