
Success With Disability Claims for Sudden Cardiac Arrest

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Sudden Cardiac Arrest


Bartolic Law handles Long Term Disability cases at all stages, from filing a claim to lawsuits under ERISA § 502(a). We are who the most discerning clients hire when an insurer denies their claim, and the one they wish they had when another firm loses their appeal and abandons the case. We are Innovative, Authentic, Compassionate, Transparent and Chicago strong. Bartolic Law is nationally renowned for our Innovative work:

Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops working. There is no cure and it’s more common in individuals with certain lifestyle factors or health issues.
Patients with sudden cardiac arrest often need to take breaks from work due to the risks associated with stress and physical labor.
If you cannot work due to sudden cardiac arrest, an attorney may be able to help you gain disability benefits to support you.

Disability Claims for Sudden Cardiac Arrest

As the name suggests, sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) occurs when the heart suddenly stops functioning and can lead to sudden cardiac death. This condition is the United States’s leading cause of natural death, resulting in the death of some 325,000 adults annually. Mostly, SCA affects adults aged between 35 and 50 years, and men are twice as vulnerable as women. It is rare in children, affecting only 1 to 2 out of every 100,000 children annually.

Doctors associate sudden cardiac deaths with undiagnosed heart diseases. Congenital birth disabilities account for most younger people who die of this condition. Conversely, coronary artery disease accounts for most adult deaths. So, who is more vulnerable to this condition? The following persons or groups of people are more susceptible to this disease: heart disease patients with enlarged hearts and other cardiovascular defects, hypertension patients, obese persons, smokers, patients with previous heart attacks, people with substance abuse problems, and those with excess magnesium and potassium deficiencies.

Although over half of the disease’s cases have no previous clinical signs, this condition has varied symptoms. Leading clinical signs include dizziness, racing heartbeats, sudden collapse, loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing, and the heart stops beating. This disease has no specific cure.

However, doctors can prescribe medicines to help patients with chronic cardiac conditions. Some of the medications doctors administer are beta-blockers and calcium-channel blockers. Patients with excess cholesterol and coronary artery disease might receive statin drugs. Many people must rest and take time away from work due to sudden cardiac arrest.


If you’re struggling to get the benefits you need to get by, then we’ll fight to obtain the benefits you deserve. Contact us today to learn more!

Consult a Chicago Disability Insurance Attorney Now

If sudden cardiac arrest prevents you from working for the foreseeable future, you want to make sure you have the necessary financial support. Building a successful case for disability benefits due to cardiac conditions is difficult, but we’ve helped many Chicagoans successfully file these types of claims, and we may be able to help you too.

Do not wait to speak with a disability insurance claims lawyer from Bartolic Law to evaluate your case. Contact us today.

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