HomeWhat Should I Do If the Insurer or Administrator Ordered Me to See an IME or an FCE?

What Should I Do If the Insurer or Administrator Ordered Me to See an IME or an FCE?

If the insurer or claims administrator of a disability plan wants you to see an Independent Medical Examiner or have a Functional Capacity Equivalence evaluation, the first thing to keep in mind is that these “independent” individuals are not truly independent. They get hired by the insurer, and if they return opinions unfavorable to the insurer, the insurer will send the referrals to somebody else. I have heard clients tell me the IME or FCE evaluation did not accurately describe what happened, or left out critical parts of the evaluation. To protect yourself, either bring another person with you who will take notes, or better yet, video record the evaluation. You must, of course, obtain the evaluator’s consent to be recorded before doing so.

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