Long term disability benefits provided through your employer can provide a safety net in the event you become injured or suffer a chronic health condition that prevents you from working. While they may have been offered as part of your overall employee compensation package, it is not uncommon for workers to be unaware of the terms of coverage. Disabilities can happen to anyone, at any age, and for a variety of reasons. Being familiar with what your policy covers now can help to protect you in the future.
It is easy to overlook certain benefits provided through your employer, particularly if you do not use them regularly. You may consider them a nice perk of your job, but not something you are likely to need anytime soon. Unfortunately, disabilities can and do happen on a regular basis. When they do, it can come as a shock to find that the benefits you earned while on the job do not provide the extent of coverage you thought they did. You can avoid this situation by reviewing these policies before a need arises.
Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, you have a right to request copies of all benefit policy plans and documents, which your employer must provide free of charge. Making this request is your first step. You are likely to find pages filled with various clauses and terms with which you are not familiar. The following are six key items you need to look for, which could significantly impact your rights to long term disability benefits:
At Bartolic Law, we can answer your questions about employer-provided long term disability coverage and defend your rights to these benefits. To schedule a consultation, call or contact our Chicago long term disability attorney online today.